Saturday, 22 October 2016

US SMI, United States GDP, US Economic Indicators, , US Gross Domestic Product, World Economics

We provide the earliest US economic indicators, United States GDP and US gross domestic product from

The Sales Managers Index: United States

Released: October 18, 2016
U.S. Election Now a Serious Drag on Business Confidence

  • Fifth month of falling business confidence
  • Sales growth wanes despite run-up to holiday season
  • Jobs growth falling

At 50.5 the October reading for the U.S. Sales Managers’ Index (SMI) indicates that the US economy is close to stalling as the nation prepares for the presidential elections in November. The Headline SMI has been close to the 50.0 ‘no change’ level for 4 consecutive months and at lacklustre levels during 2016. Sector analysis shows that the Manufacturing sector has been causing a drag on the US economy since the beginning of the year. The 4th Quarter outlook remains bleak with the service sector (51.6) keeping the economy, from sliding into recession. The political situation is cited as causing great uncertainty.


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